Javascript is an interesting language which is also a big departure from what I am used to working with as a computer engineer. As a Computer Engineer, I have only experiance in using C and C++ which requires variables type to be declared as well as the type of the function will return. A lot of the function that are built into javascript such as being able to push, pop, slice, sort an array without haveing to build your own function, as they’re built into the array itself. With Javascipt using Var and let is very odd to me because Javascript allow you to be very loose in what variables type are. In addition strings are easy to work with compared to C or C++ as Javasciprt has a lot of built in functions.
From a software engineering perspective I think javascript is useful as it has a lot of functions already built where as C does not have anything premade, requiring the user to build all the easy function by themselves. Learning ES6 was more confusing as their in-line function was not intuitive to me but using JSON objects was much more easy than C or C++. Given their dynamic size, it is much easier to work with objects than C and C++. Where I can see javascript being not useful is in microcontrollers that do not support javascript such as the Arduino hardware that hardware developer sometimes have to deal with. Also not having access to pointers, which may be a good thing, maybe sometime that javascripts lacks.
Being an athletic software engineer is important as being fit help help combat our sedentary lifestyle. Being athletic will also help us become more active , helping us focus during our work instead of being sleepy all the time and drinking caffeine to combat our lack of focus.
Practicing WODs are very important, such as being an athlete require constant practice to maintain their skills, so too much programming practice to keep their edge. It may be stressful at first just like anything new but once you build your skill, maintaining it will be enjoyable and easier.