My interest in software engineering started when I was young when my parents bought our first family computer. The first computer I had was a Compaq PC running Windows 98SE. My other friend also had computer and had introduced to me the games they played such as X-com UFO defense and starcraft. I spent a lot of time, maybe too much playing video games but also learned to use the computer through my early interaction with game. During my high school years, I joined the robotics team at Mckinley High School and there I learned basic programming skills and developed a greater understanding of how computers worked.
After high school I joined the military and of course since I was interested in computers, I chose a job related to computer, satellite communication. While in the US army, I learned a lot about how computers communicate with each other over long distance while earning my network + certification. During my service I became interested in cyber security, seeing as it has become a big topic throughout the course of my tour. This allowed me to also obtain my certification in security +.
After the Army I went to University of Hawaii at Manoa using my post 9/11 GI bill to continue my study in software engineering through computer engineering. Through my time in school I learned the inner workings of how a computer works, by using a complex networks of AND and OR we can create complex system to perform tasks such as word processing and complex database management. What I hope to learn throughout my courses at school is how computers work and expand my knowledge about cyber security in hopes to get a career in that field.