Human Machine Interface

10 Oct 2019

Inital Thoughts About User interface

User interface is one of the most important design considerations when building software. When we create any software, User interface is the layer between human and machine and having a poor design inhibits the interface between the two. For humans, our main sense we use to interface with the world is our eyes and having a good User interface helps transfer the information much more smoothly than a poorly designed one.

Advantages of Semantic UI

For Semantic UI, having an easy to use framework is helpful. The framework is like a building block for us, all that needs to be done is for us to assemble the block. \The natural language of Semantic UI help students understands how to use it for example, the words tiny, small, and large are used instead of numbers helps describe the object we’re trying to create. Another good example are the icons in Semantic UI help convey information to user while being used to implement. If we were to use images, sizing and finding the right icon can be a nightmare whereas Semantic includes many common icons and symbols ready for us ready to use. In short, the Semantic UI provides us with a easy to learn frame work that greatly enhances our ability to build easily understandable user interface for our customer.


To reiterate, a user interface is import when designing software, as it is the main thing the customer see when we present them software. A poorly design software will just cause a user to become lost and frustrated while a great design steer the user in the right direction, providing satisfaction.